《路星辞×段嘉衍塞冰块》人类女孩星星一次直播中偶遇了外星人发现这些外星人居然是传统神话中的“羽人”并且得知外星人拥有可以帮她找到失散亲人的超能力于是星星和这群外星人生活在了一起并且成功俘获了外星王子的心While on the way to the airport, Mala, who Jignesh Patel believes is going to be his future girlfriend, must listen to the romantic overtures of a group who are obsessed with the popular number 'Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na' from the movie 'Aa Gale Lag Jaa'. The story is about Jai Singh Rathore and Aditi Wadia, two friends who are so close that the Wadias decide to get them married. But both disagree, and decide to seek soul mates for each other. With Aditi's help, Jai meets Meghna, and both fall in ...大虞国恒京令之女傅容坚强聪慧机敏活泼因一次意外受伤而从梦境中窥见了不一样的人生本觉得荒诞的她却在梦中的事件皆一件件成真后决心改变命运保护家人傅容也因多次梦见自己因肃王徐晋被下旨殉葬决心远离肃王谁知命运的红线却使两人越来越近随着神秘组织如意楼的出现一系列事件使大虞国蒙上了一层层迷雾面对这种局面傅容、徐晋携手共同经历生死一起面对现实中的种种磨难与此同时安王也在暗自设局更大的阴谋面对难改的命运接踵而至的诡计傅容和徐晋能否秉持初心拨云见雾解开迷局最终逆天改命……...